Another side of me

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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

On September 13, 2016 by Auli in ,    No comments

This is the next explanations about my last article. In my last article, I wrore about why our country- Indonesia, got

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

On September 07, 2016 by Auli in ,    No comments

Indonesia is the largest country in Southeast Asia.  Located between two oceans, two continents, and two rings of fire to make Indonesia as the most strategic places in all side. From an economic point,  Indonesia became the center of the traffic of ships. From political point, Indonesia is also the liaison between the Asian continent and Australia. In terms of culture, Indonesia is a warehouse that stores millions cultural wealth.

 utang indonesia

But it is very surprising when you know that our country “Indonesia” has a huge debt, which is 3395 trillion rupiah. I think this amount is very fantastic. If we compare the amount of our country debt with the population of Indonesia (255,993,674 people in july 2015), then every citizen of Indonesia has debts of 131 million rupiah. Whether he is an infant or elderly, all citizens of Indonesia currently has debts of 131 million rupiah. Maybe our generation do not know about this information. Try to imagine, an old man who was not able to work must pay our country debt. I think this reality is very cruel.

     78,690 bbl/day (2012 est.)
      country comparison to the world: 51
     699,500 bbl/day (2012 est.)


Not only that, in 2010 Indonesia was the country with the largest oil and gas exporter to 11th in the world, especially when Indonesia joined APEC. At that time, the number of Indonesian oil exports is greater than the amount of oil imported but this time, the number of Indonesian imports is greater than the sum of exports. Therefore, automatically Indonesian state suffered losses in the economic field which add amount of the state budget further increase the number of Indonesian state debt.

But this is also not too good if I just give a bad picture about the debt our country, but I mean just give a general overview in order to be a lesson for us to bring our country to be better again.

Actually many factors that lead to increased the debt of our country and maybe I will discuss in my next article. I am sure, our country is in a period of colonization and i think the colonization is very systematic. That is all from me for this night. Do not let foreigners take control of our country. keep learning and working. Do not be afraid. Be confidence and destroy our enemy!

Don't forget to 
comment below, I am very happy if we could exchange our opinion.

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